這是我目前看到最便宜的價錢了 這個新款最大的改進是噪音噪音減少很多 還有 preset 的 program (這和 Blendtec 一樣) 和自動清洗的設定 商品含主機+ 64 oz 的杯子
只要再加$50  你可以加買原價是 $139 的 32 oz 的乾杯或是 48oz 的溼杯 這樣你可以省更多 (這個是不包含在 $21500 裡的喔)
這個好康其實已經一個月了 我昨天試過還有 只是因為夏天到來 這類商品都是供不應求 所以出貨會慢一點

These programs include :
  • Smoothies
  • Frozen Desserts
  • Soups
  • Purees
  • Wash
The Vitamix Pro 750 features new pre-set programs, allowing you to make soups, smoothies, purees, and frozen desserts with the turn of a dial.

The Vitamix Model 1825 Pro 750 blender is the first vitamix blender to feature the all new self-cleaning technology, simply fill halfway with warm water, add a bit of your favorite dish detergent, turn the blender to the “self clean” setting and let the blender do all of the work for you. Cleaning up has never been so easy! 首創自動清洗的功能

The Vitamix Professional 750 features multiple speed adjustments, allowing you the ability to fine tune your blender to your specific needs. Also included with the 1825 is a pulse function that works at any blending level to ensure that you get the perfect texture every time.

for Cat: 今天打電話給 vitamix 客服了他說這個新的機型不太適用在 5200 機型的 48 oz 杯 但其他 size 的 像 36oz 都 OK


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