
有人把這個翻成拳王智烤爐 這是比較新型的數位顯示螢幕和觸壓式溫度控制 而且表面積多達 100 square feet (大小大概 16.9 x 15 x 7.3 inches ) 可以一次應付大約 6 人份的食物 可以用來烤雞 熱狗 肉片 蔬菜 甚至牛排
可以參考 amazon 上的解說和價錢

這台評價不錯 他強調健康理念 烤食物的過程所產生的油滴會留到烤盤下方的收集盤中
烤盤是移動式的不沾鍋材質 食物烤完可以直接上桌 可以放入洗碗機裡清洗

Large red grill with digital temperature control and timer for the best grilling experience.

Go digital and get great results with this sleek and chic marvel from George Foreman®. Digital temperature controls let you select the exact degree for cooking your favorite foods—from chicken breasts and hot dogs to chops, grilled veggies, even steak. Two removable George Tough™ nonstick grilling plates mean you can avoid the use of cooking oil, while the exclusive fat-removing design effortlessly drains away excess fat and grease from food for healthier results. A digital timer adds convenience and more precise control over cooking, while the Signature Foreman heating elements ensure even heat distribution across all 100-square inches of grilling space

  • 6 Servings to grill for the whole family at once
  • Patented slope design makes your meal healthier by removing the fat as you grill
  • Digital timer and adjustable temperature control for more precise results
  • Removable George Tough nonstick plates eliminate the need for butter or oil and make clean up a breeze

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