剛剛才看到 也不知道會撐多久 blackberry 官網上的特價 16G, 32G and 64G 都是一樣價錢 $299 (用折扣碼後可以只剩$240+免運 (我沒做完 所以不知要不要加 6% 稅)<---已經沒了 我就知道 只要網站收到異常的下單沒多久就會被砍了
還有興趣的 估價是$299x31.5+400 代購費+國際運費大概是 $1,000=10,818
ps. 請不要問我任何專業的問題 因為我都不懂啦
ON SALE: $299 (16GB, 32GB, 64GB)
SAVE: $400 (64GB), $300 (32GB), $200 (16GB)
SALE ENDS: 2/20/2012 (希望有撐這麼久)
BlackBerry PlayBook – the world’s first professional grade tablet
Discover a truly uncompromised tablet experience with the BlackBerry® PlayBook™. At less than half an inch thick, with a 1GHz dual core processor, it’s both ultra-portable and ultra-powerful, so you get high performance at every turn: stunning multimedia, true multitasking, and access to the whole Internet – no exceptions.
5.1” x 7.6” x 0.4” (130mm x 194mm x 10mm)
0.9 lbs
7” 1024 x 600 WSVGA display
3 storage options: 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB
Support for Adobe® Flash® Player 10.1 and HTML5
Stereo speakers and stereo microphones
3 MP front camera and 5 MP rear camera both supporting 1080p HD video
HDMI output supporting 1080p HD
Music Store by 7 Digital
Data connectivity through Wi-Fi®, BlackBerry® Bridge™, or tethering