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另外含有一個促銷 買限量的set 就有以下的優惠

· 10% off all orders of $149 or more  $149以上的組 有9折

· Free Limited Edition Holiday set featuring Santa Minifigure with orders of $99 or more 買超過$99 就送限量的 Holiday set

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 · All offers Valid: Nov 25th – 28th

以下是 COPY 過來的價目表

8091 Republic Swamp Speeder (TM) 25% off $29.99 $22.49
10199 Winter Toy Shop 25% off $59.99 $44.99
8128 Cad Bane’s Speeder (TM) V39 25% off $49.99 $37.49
2519 Skeleton Bowling V39 25% off $29.99 $22.49
8041 Race Truck V39 25% off $59.99 $44.99
8404 Public Transport V39 25% off $99.99 $74.99
7585 Horse Stable 25% off $39.99 $29.99
10210 Imperial Flagship 25% off $179.99 $134.99
3180 Tank Truck V39 25% off $19.99 $14.99
10198 Tantive IV™ 25% off $149.99 $112.49
5659 The Great Train Chase V39 25% off $34.99 $26.24
7583 Playful Puppy V39 25% off $12.99 $9.74
7587 Horse Jumping V39 25% off $19.99 $14.99
3850 Meteor Strike V92 25% off $19.99 $14.99
3179 Repair Truck V39 25% off $12.99 $9.74
10195 Republic Dropship wi 25% off $249.99 $187.49
10215 Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starf 25% off $99.99 $74.99
3852 Sunblock V140 25% off $9.99 $7.49
5839 World Grand Prix™ 25% off $39.99 $29.99
8228 Sting Striker V39 25% off $12.99 $9.74
3851 Atlantis Treasure 25% off $24.99 $18.74
8221 Storming Enforcer V39 25% off $12.99 $9.74
8227 Dragon Dueler V39 25% off $12.99 $9.74
8423 World Grand Prix Racing Rivalry™ 25% off $14.99 $11.24
10194 Emerald Night 25% off $99.99 $74.99

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