
7/15 Amazon prime day 已經開始 請大家自己瀏覽看看有沒有好 deal 有特別熱門的我會另外貼

然後 Best Buy 也搞 summer Black Friday 7/24-7/25 可以屆時參考


最近這邊的促銷網都在預告這個日子 大家也在摩拳擦掌地等待著 (或是應該說捧著荷包在等著)

今年是 amazon 的 20th 生日 所以推出了這個活動 沒有細節 不過只有一天 7/15 而且只給 prime 會員 (我是 yeah!)

也給大家先通知 屆時記得注意他的促銷 以免後悔不及

會隨時 update.

7/13 news : Walmart 發佈新聞 也要在 7/15 和 amazon 車拼, 同樣的會在網上做大特價 所以大家多個地方可以比價了

應該也會有其他的商家跟進 大家拭目以待

What is Prime Day?

More deals than Black Friday, exclusive for Prime members.

Prime Day: More Deals than Black Friday exclusively for Prime Members

Prime Day is a global shopping event, offering more deals than Black Friday, exclusively for Prime members. On Wednesday, July 15 new and existing members will be able to shop thousands of Lightning Deals, Deals of the Day, and will receive unlimited Free Two-Day Shipping. Members will find deals starting at midnight PDT, with new deals starting throughout the day, as often as every ten minutes. Not a Prime member? Try Prime today and get immediate access to deals on July 15.

Prime members can find deals on products across categories including electronics, toys, video games, movies, clothing, patio, lawn and garden, sports and outdoor items and more. Members will enjoy deals on items perfect for summer adventures, their to-do list, family road trips, back to school supplies, and everyday essentials. Prime members can shop on any device, including smartphones and tablets and enjoy deals anytime, and anywhere.

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